Visionaries 2023 - Sarah Park - Headshot

Sarah Park - Honoured Hero

Halifax NS

I am honored to have been asked to be the Honored Hero for the VOY campaign in 2024 and I hope that my experience and journey will help inspire others.
Sarah Park

In 2021/2022, Sarah was diagnosed with and successfully treated for an aggressive Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and knows how overwhelming and frightening it can feel to go through the experience of a blood cancer. One of the resources she reached out to for support was the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, and the information and support that was given was life changing. This is what prompted her to take the plunge and make a difference by running for VOY in 2023. She looks to share her own experiences as a candidate and survivor with our growing class of 2024 and act as a inspiration to their own campaigns.